December 9, 2009 - NACD Second Vice President Earl Garber attended the Arkansas Association of Conservation District (AACD) Annual Meeting in Eureka Springs, Ark. The meeting featured several topics and workshops, including herbicide resistance issues, water use registration, critical ground water in east Arkansas, district funding opportunities through partnerships and more. Garber provided an update on recent NACD legislative activities. Garber (r) is pictured above with AACD Past President Sonny Jones and AACD First Vice President Andrew Wargo.

December 8, 2009 - Woodford County Conservation District hosted the first Kentucky Conservation District Employees Roundtable. More than 50 district employees from across the state shared their conservation outreach programs. NACD Stewardship and Education Coordinator Susan Schultz shared information about NACD’s outreach efforts on a national scale and highlighted NACD tools available to districts. Schultz (second to right) is pictured in the photo above with KACDE President Brian Hacker, KACDE Treasurer Stephanie Young, KACDE Reporter Martha Newby and Lillie Cox.

December 7, 2009 - Representatives from NACD, the National Association of State Foresters, the USDA Forest Service and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service joined together in Washington, D.C. this week for a Joint Forestry Team Meeting. The group addressed reaching forest landowners with Farm Bill conservation programs and providing assistance, as well as state assessments required by June 2010. Click here for additional information about the Joint Forestry Team. Pictured at left are USFS Chief Tom Tidwell, NACD Board Member Charles Holmes and NACD President Steve Robinson.

November 23, 2009 - NACD Second Vice President Earl Garber traveled West to participate in the Idaho Association of Soil Conservation Districts Annual Meeting in Boise. Of particular interest at the meeting was Idaho State Senator Joe Stegners' and State Representative Ken Roberts' update on the future of Idaho's Soil and Water Conservation Commission and Idaho's conservation districts. Garber discussed how other states have handled similar situations with state leadership. He is pictured at left with NACD Board Member Kyle Hawley and State Senator Joe Stegner.

November 12, 2009 - NACD First Vice President Gene Schmidt spoke out on behalf of America's conservation districts last week at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting's annual Trade Talk event in Kansas, City, Mo. Schmidt was one of many industry and agency representatives who participated in the marathon morning of radio and television interviews that will air across the country throughout the coming months. He addressed climate change, Farm Bill conservation programs, habitat, forestry and other conservation issues. Schmidt is pictured at left with KSIR Radio’s Lorrie Boyer from Colorado.

November 8, 2009 - NACD hosted a Chesapeake Bay Leadership Meeting for conservation district supervisors and representatives of state associations, state departments of agriculture, conservation commissions and NRCS from the six Chesapeake Bay States. Chuck Fox, Senior Advisor to the Administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency, discussed EPA's leadership role in preparing a draft strategy to restore and protect the Bay. The draft strategy—expected to be released November 9—will impact conservation districts throughout the Bay watershed as it addresses water quality issues related to agriculture, stormwater, and development. The group also heard from Larry Elworth, EPA’s Agricultural Advisor to the Administrator, and Dana York, Senior Advisor for NRCS regarding the Chesapeake Bay Program.

October 27, 2009 - NACD Member Services Representative Beth Mason and Stewardship and Education Coordinator Susan Schultz participated in the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind., where they highlighted districts’ work, showcased soils education materials, promoted NACD’s internship program to potential candidates, visited with advisors about ways for FFA chapters to work with local districts and met with district supervisors attending the event. Schultz is pictured at left with FFA students from Missouri and Indiana Association of Conservation Districts Communications Manager DeeDee Sigler.

NACD's Interim CEO Brad Ross participated in the annual meeting of the New York Association of Conservation Districts (NYACD. Meeting attendees participated in breakout sessions that focused on marketing and outreach to legislators, measuring district performance, and preparing for natural disasters. The meeting also highlighted the conservation work underway to protect Lake George. In the photo to the left, NYACD President Brad Rogers and Executive Director Judy Littrell welcome and thank Ross for delivering the opening presentation at the meeting.

NACD President Steve Robinson recently participated in the National Association of State Conservation Agencies Annual Meeting in Charleston, West Virginia. During the meeting, the group had the opportunity to visit the 2008 West Virginia Conservation Farm of the Year. The farm is the largest vineyard in West Virginia and produces 14 different grape varieties. Grassed buffers and waterways were just two of many conservation practices established on the vineyard. Pictured at left are NASCA Vice President Mark Clark, President Robinson, NASCA President Mike Brown and Dr. Daniel, owner and operator of Daniel Vineyards

August 29, 2009 - Executives from state associations of conservation districts from across the country recently met in Santa Fe, N.M. for their annual meeting. The directors spent time networking, getting updates on current and emerging issues, and learning about the unique area watershed. Many thanks the New Mexico Association of Conservation Districts and the Taos Soil and Water Conservation District for hosting an excellent meeting.

August 13, 2009 - District officials and partners from across the region met in Baton Rouge, La. last week for the South Central Region Meeting, hosted by the Louisiana Association of Conservation Districts. Much of the conference focused on climate change, including the science aspect, pending legislation and related opportunities for conservation districts. Pictured at left on a tour of the port of Baton Rouge during the conference are NACD CEO Doug Loudenslager, Second Vice President Earl Garber and former NACD Executive Board Member Memo Benavides.

August 11, 2009 - USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Ann Mills and NRCS Chief Dave White visited NACD's offices to meet with CEO Doug Loudenslager and representatives of other conservation and agricultural groups in Washington. Among other things, White discussed the USDA's Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), which recently launched its 2009 sign-up period. White emphasized that CSP is now offered nationwide, with a simpler program design, and is more locally driven.

August 7, 2009 - (from right) NACD Past President John Redding, Envirothon Chairperson Shonny Nordlund and Envirothon Executive Director Clay Burns at the 2009 Canon Envirothon competition. The competition awards more than $125,000 in scholarships and Canon products to students. This year, the top prize went to Pennsylvania's team.

August 2, 2009 - Students from across the nation competed this week in the Canon Envirothon, one of North America's largest high school environmental education competitions. More than 260 students gathered at the University of North Carolina - Asheville where teams were tested on their knowledge of soils and land use, aquatic ecology, forestry, wildlife and current environmental issues. At right, NACD Past President John Redding addresses the opening ceremony of the competition.

July 27, 2009 - The Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts hosted the Northeast Region meeting in Solomons Island, MD July 26-29, 2009, where a renewed regional partnership agreement was signed.

July 22, 2009 - NACD's Tamara Daniel met with members of NACD's South Central Region at the 3rd Annual Capitol Hill Congressional Reception. As part of the 2009 Legislative Conference, the reception allowed conservation district leaders from across the country to meet with their representatives in Washington.

July 20, 2009 - NRCS Chief Dave White addressed NACD's 2009 Legislative Conference.

July 15, 2009 - In his first week at NACD, newly elected CEO Doug Loudenslager visited with many conservation partners on Capitol Hill.

The North Dakota Partners recently hosted a conservation tour for state leaders during the Northern Plains Region Leadership Meeting. In the photo at left, NRCS District Conservationist Jay Fuhrer shows NACD Board Members Jon Starns (KS) and Orval Gigstad (NE) the outstanding soil health achieved by award-winning landowner Gabe Brown through natural biological processes. Leaders from the region gathered to discuss local priorities, explore funding opportunities and participate in a USDA-hosted Resources Conservation Act listening session.

NACD Second Vice President Earl Garber, pictured right (center) recently testified before the House Agriculture Committee regarding pending Climate Change legislation. A producer and crop consultant from Basile, Louisiana, Garber addressed the potential of carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions reductions from agriculture and forestry. Garber also emphasized the importance of locally-led conservation and highlighted the work conservation districts are already doing in several states to verify carbon offsets.

The Wyoming Association of Conservation Districts recently held an Olin Sims Living Legacy tree planting at the Wyoming State Fair Grounds in Douglas, WY. Fifty friends and family gathered to plant a Plains Cottonwood tree in memory of 2007 NACD President and fellow Wyomingite Olin Sims.

NACD Stewardship and Education Coordinator Susan Schultz travelled to Orlando, Florida early this month to present at the Project WET conference. Project WET is a nonprofit organization that focuses on worldwide water education. Pictured at left with Schultz are Project WET State Coordinators Karla Beatty, Oklahoma Conservation Commission, Joey Breaux, Louisiana Office of Soil and Water Conservation, and Joni Scharfenberg, Alaska's Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District.

The National Watershed Coalition recently recognized both NACD and Director of Legislative Affairs Keira Franz at their recent national conference. The NWC awarded NACD a Partnership in Excellence Award and presented Franz with an Extra Mile Award. The awards recognized Franz and the Association's efforts on behalf of watershed project sponsors, as well as NACD's support for the revitalization of NRCS watershed programs through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Franz is pictured above with Past NACD President Bill Wilson, NWC Immediate Past Chairman Don Underwood and NWC Executive Director Dan Sebert.

The Alabama Conservation District Employees Association (ACDEA) held a Living Legacy tree planting in honor of 2007 NACD President Olin Sims. ACDEA planted the Autumn Blaze Red Maple at the Guntersville State Lodge in Guntersville, Ala. in conjunction with their annual spring workshop.

The Lingle-Fort Laramie Conservation District planted a tree in Lingle, Wyoming early this week in memory of 2007 NACD President and fellow Wyomingite Olin Sims. The District board and a local third grade class planted a Rocky Mountain Juniper in the District's Botanical Park on Main Street in Lingle. Districts and partners around the country are planting trees to help build a living legacy in Sims' memory.

NACD Director of Communications Lisa Lerwick planted a tree in Wyoming as part of the Olin Sims Living Legacy project. Lerwick and her family members planted an Autumn Blaze Maple tree on her parents’ farm outside Albin, Wyoming to remember fellow Wyomingite and 2007 NACD President Olin Sims. Districts and partners around the country are planting trees to help build a living legacy in Sims’ memory.

NACD Secretary/Treasurer Jack Majeres is shown in the photo above with a group of third-grade students from the Dell Rapids St. Mary Catholic School in Dell Rapids, SD. Majeres led the students in an activity that shows the affects of rainfall on bare soil and how plant matter and mulch can prevent erosion and improve the water quality of the runoff.

NACD Second Vice President Earl Garber is shown in the photo to the left with a group of students from the St. Francis Elementary School in Iota, La. doing a hands-on soils activity following a Stewardship Week lesson.

NACD First Vice President Gene Schmidt and Indiana conservation representatives celebrated 2009 Stewardship Week in in Indianapolis with the dedication of a white oak tree to the Olin Sims' Living Legacy Program. Pictured in the photo are (l-r) Roger Cult with NRCS, Schmidt, Paula Baldwin with the Indiana Association of SWCDs and Anne Hazlett with the Indiana Department of Agriculture.

As part of the 2009 Stewardship Week, themed "Dig It! The Secrets of Soil," NACD President Steve Robinson participated in a Living Legacy tree planting ceremony in Franklin County Soil and Water Conservation District in Ohio. Robinson is pictured in the photo above with property owner Jude Mollenhauer and Franklin County SWCD Supervisor Katie Renner.

As part of the 2009 Stewardship Week, themed "Dig It! The Secrets of Soil," NACD Education Coordinator Susan Schultz leads 25 second grade students in a soil painting exercise at Fort Hunt Elementary in Alexandria, Va.

The Walton County Soil & Water Conservation District recently planted a State of Georgia Pecan Tree as part of the Olin Sims Living Legacy project. NACD Past President John Redding is chair of the Walton County SWCD. Redding is pictured at left with fellow district board members Dan Bennett, Nathan Malcom and Cliff Harrison; District Conservationist Jose' Pagan; and Crista Carrell, Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Conservation district Supervisors. Districts and partners around the country are planting trees in memory of 2007 NACD President Olin Sims. For more information on the Olin Sims Living Legacy program and how you can get involved, click here.

York County Conservation District (YCCD) in Pennsylvania recently organized a tree planting in honor of 2007 NACD President Olin Sims. The event was held in tandem with a National Agriculture Day celebration at the Horn Farm Center for Agricultural Education in York, Pa. As a living legacy to Sims and their shared commitment of good stewardship of the land, the District planted a native Red Maple. Similar tree plantings are happening across the country to honor Sims, a Wyoming rancher whose passion for the land inspired all who knew him and whose legacy continues to live on in our hearts and minds. For more information on the Olin Sims Living Legacy program and how you can get involved, click here.

NACD Secretary-Treasurer Jack Majeres participated in the 25x’25 Alliance’s 5th National Renewable Energy Summit in Washington D.C. last week. This year’s summit focused on the role of agriculture and forestry in a carbon-reduced economy, community wind, sustainability, and the further development of woody biomass. NACD has participated as a national partner with the 25x’25 initiative for several years, and Majeres has represented NACD at a number of the Alliance’s activities. Majeres is pictured in the photo above with the 25x’25 Alliance Steering Committee co-chairs Bill Richards and Read Smith. Click here for more information about the 25x’25 effort.

Several Kentucky conservation district officials travelled to Washington, D.C. last week to meet with their Congressional delegation. During the visit, the Kentucky Conservation Partnership hosted their annual Congressional breakfast hosting Congressional staffers, representatives from the Governor's office and other partners. NACD CEO Krysta Harden, Director of Communications Lisa Lerwick and Grassroots Manager Jeremy Peters represented NACD at the event. While in town, the group visited NACD's Headquarters to see the results of the recent building renovations. Kentucky districts, members and employees have generously donated more than $7,500 toward the cause. For more information and current totals on the 509 Capitol Court Campaign, click here.

Representatives from NACD, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), the National Association of Conservation District Employees (NCDEA), the National Association of State Conservation Agencies (NASCA), and the National Association of Resource Conservation and Development Councils (NARC&D) met last week for the quarterly Conservation Partnership meeting. Leaders discussed issues of common interest, including NRCS’ implementation of the economic stimulus funds, farm bill conservation program regulation status, the NRCS audit, and plans for a 2010 national training session. Pictured at left are (back, l-r) NRCS Acting Chief Dave White, NCDEA President Connie Richmeier, (front, l-r) NACD President Steve Robinson, NARC&D President Joan Smith Freeman and NASCA President Mike Brown.

NACD members from around the country stopped by the NACD headquarters office in Washington, D.C. last week while they were in town on business. Pictured in the photo to the left is NACD Virginia Board Member John Peterson and Virginia State Association Past President Daphne Jamison with NACD CEO Krysta Harden and Grassroots Manager Jeremy Peters. Peterson and Jamison were in town for Hill visits and to see the “Dig It!” Smithsonian soils exhibit. Additional visitors included representatives from Alaska, Ohio, South Dakota, Washington and Georgia. If a delegation from your district or state has plans to travel to D.C., we hope you stop by the NACD office at 509 Capitol Court, NE. We would love to see you.

The Minnesota Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts held its annual Leadership Institute trip to Washington, D.C., March 1-5, 2009. While in D.C., the group’s 26 participants spent time with NACD staff to discuss a variety of topics including NACD’s policy development process, grassroots engagement and communication, and natural resource priorities in Minnesota. The group also took advantage of opportunities to meet with members of Congress, federal agency leaders, and to tour our nation’s capital. The Leadership Institute participants are pictured above visiting with staff at the NACD office.

NACD’s 2009 Officer Team was in town last week to plan the year and meet with staff and partners. While in town, they also welcomed several visitors to the newly renovated office, including members from Washington, Oregon, New York, Kentucky and Georgia. Pictured from left to right are Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC) Deputy Executive Director David Eigenberg, GSWCC Executive Director Brent Dykes, NACD First Vice President Gene Schmidt, NACD CEO Krysta Harden, NACD Second Vice President Earl Garber, NACD Secretary/Treasurer Jack Majeres, NACD President Steve Robison and GSWCC Vice Chairman and Conservation District Supervisor Steve Singletary.

NACD was represented early this week by Second Vice President Earl Garber at a meeting of the U.S. EPA Farm, Ranch, and Rural Communities Federal Advisory Committee (FRRCC) in Washington, D.C. Garber has served for the past year on the advisory committee, which advises the EPA Administrator on issues related to agriculture and the environment. The Committee just completed its first year of work, which has largely focused on developing advice related to EPA’s biofuels strategy. Pictured from left are NACD Grassroots Manager Jeremy Peters, Garber, U.S. EPA Acting Counselor to the Administrator for Agricultural Policy Sally Shaver and FRRCC Chair and Indiana producer James Moseley.

At the 2009 NACD Annual Meeting in New Orleans, La. earlier this month, NACD leadership, partners, and meeting attendees gathered on Poydras St. in New Orleans to plant a tree in memory of 2007 NACD President Olin Sims. The planting is one of many happening across the country as part of the Olin Sims Living Legacy program, which encourages districts and conservationists to plant a tree to honor his strong leadership and passion for conservation. NACD leadership is pictured below at the New Orleans tree planting with Tammie Sims from Wyoming and Joey Breaux from the Louisiana Conservation Commission. Click here for more information on the Living Legacy program and how you can get involved.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture invited friends and partners to the Department grounds this week to unveil to location of and break ground for the People’s Garden. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack addressed the group, highlighting the need to enhance and conserve land and water resources. He then chipped away at a paved walkway that will be eliminated to create a community garden. NACD joined several conservation and environmental groups at the event. Pictured at left are NACD Chief Executive Officer Krysta Harden, NRCS Acting Chief Dave White, NACD Director of Legislative Affairs Keira Franz and NACD Grassroots Manager Jeremy Peters.

The National Association of Conservation Districts installed a new slate of officers at the Appreciation Banquet of the 2009 NACD Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. Leading the association over the next two years will be (l-r) President Steve Robinson from Marysville, Ohio; First Vice President Gene Schmidt from Hanna, Indiana; Second Vice President Earl Garber from Basile, Louisiana and Secretary/Treasurer Jack Majeres from Dell Rapids, South Dakota. Conservation district leaders from across the country joined together for four days of networking, learning and fun at the 2009 conference. For more photos of the conference, click here.

NACD Communications Associate Mary Hammon traveled to Columbus, Ohio for the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation District’s (OFSWCD) annual meeting. On the eve of the national inauguration, Ohio celebrated the inauguration of the new OFSWCD President Lawrence Burdell and the nearing installation of fellow Ohioan Steve Robinson as NACD President. NACD thanks Ohio for their strong leadership and continued support. Hammon is pictured in the photo above with Ohio conservation leaders.

NACD Secretary/Treasurer Gene Schmidt participated in the Louisiana Association of Conservation District’s Annual Meeting in Lafayette, La. Schmidt met with the board, addressed the full group and discussed conservation issues with leaders from state government. Schmidt also thanked the group for their work in preparing for NACD’s Annual Meeting, which will be held in their state next week. He is pictured in the photo above with Louisiana leadership.