December 2010 - NACD President Steve Robinson was a keynote speaker at the Alabama Association of Conservation Districts (AACD) Annual Meeting in Orange Beach, Ala. Robinson talked about the history of conservation districts and the formation of NACD, as a means to deliver a unified message to policy makers and to better coordinate district activities. Robinson highlighted ways that districts have, and continue to, adapt over the years to address emerging challenges and meet the evolving needs of their jurisdictions, while remaining true to the original mission.

December 2010 - NACD and the other members of the National Conservation Partnership hosted a training conference on leadership development. More than 225 people from almost every state participated in the popular event, held in Louisville, Ky. The speakers and training sessions provided state conservation leaders with leadership tools and examples to strengthen their respective state and local partnerships. Two general session speakers provided tips on how a leader should coach team members to achieve goals and how to confront challenges at the personal and organizational level. Numerous breakout session presentations and exercises focused on the importance of State Conservation Partnerships.

December 2010 - NACD Second Vice President Earl Garber traveled to Poultney, Vermont for the Vermont Association of Conservation Districts (VACD) Annual Meeting. NRCS Chief Dave White spoke at the event, highlighting NRCS' 75 years of conservation, as well as the Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources Conservation District's 70th anniversary. VACD's Annual Meeting included sessions on Vermont grown energy, global climate change and carbon cycling for soil health and the development of the state's own local food system. Pictured from left to right: Larry Kasden, Steve Mayhall, Jonathan Chamberlain, Michelle Gudorf, Chris Smid.

December 2010 - NACD CEO Jeff Eisenberg (left) talks with Commissioner Leonard Blackham of the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Eisenberg was a keynote speaker during the Utah Association of Conservation District's (UACD) Annual Convention in Layton, Utah. In his speech, Eisenberg discussed recent election results and how NACD should respond to the changing tide in Washington, DC. "No matter who happens to be in leadership on Capitol Hill, NACD will continue to stay true to its mission of helping local landowners put conservation on the ground," Eisenberg said. "Without the involvement of local landowners, meaningful conservation will be that much harder to achieve; this message of locally-led conservation is something that politicians of all stripes can get behind."

November 2010 - Don't Forget! "Early Bird" registration for NACD's 2011 Annual Meeting in Nashville, Tenn. closes next Tuesday, December 10. Click here for pictures of the famous resort, which celebrated its grand reopening earlier this week! This year's theme, "From the Roots Up," focuses on districts' ability to impact the conservation movement from the local level. Districts and individuals from across the nation will showcase their commitment to conservation in general sessions, breakout events, tours and activities. Stay tuned for announcements on more exciting speakers over the coming weeks! For all the latest details, visit NACD's Annual Meeting web page! See you in Nashville!
NACD's 2011 Annual Meeting is sponsored by Commonwealth Agri-Energy, GrassWorks Weed Wiper, Pioneer, Plum Creek, Reinke Manufacturing Company, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, Worldview Solutions and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers.

November 2010 - "Beyond the Microphone" is the 66th Annual National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB) Convention in Kansas City, Mo. NACD is a member of NAFB and sponsored a booth at the popular Trade Talk event. During the six-hour event, Gene and NACD staff talked to agriculture reporters from across the country about conservation and NACD priorities for the upcoming Farm Bill, appropriations and other legislative and regulatory issues. Trade Talk, the centerpiece event of the NAFB's Annual Convention, affords participants access to member broadcasters to discuss the issues of important to their organizations, associations, and companies. Approximately100 broadcasters participated in this year's event.

October 2010 - NACD and the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) honored California rancher, Paul Kaiser, with the 2010 NACD-NAPPC Farmer Rancher Pollinator Conservation Award. The international award promotes public awareness about pollinators – birds, bees, bats, butterflies, beetles, and other animals that enable the reproduction of over 75 percent of flowering plants, accounting for as much as one-third of the nation's food supply. The award ceremony, kicked off the 10th Annual International NAPPC Conference, sponsored by USDA. From left to right: Vicki Wojcik, Pollinator Partnership; Paul Kaiser, Singing Frogs Farm, Sebastapol, Calif.; Rich Duesterhaus, National Association of Conservation Districts.

October 2010 - NACD staff visited various conservation sites in Fairfax County. The tour was hosted by the Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District (NVSWCD). NACD learned about the District's efforts to provide education, outreach and technical assistance in an urban area. Left, NACD staff discuss the Little Pimmit Run stream restoration project with NVSWCD District Administrator Diane Hoffman. The previously eroding and meandering stream, one of six sites visited that day, was restored through a partnership with local homeowners. Staff also visited several rain gardens in urban areas, as well as a suburban horse-keeping operation and a rehabilitated watershed.

October 2010 - Leadership of the Westmoreland Conservation District (WCD) in Pennsylvania recently hosted NACD staff for an educational visit, including tours and meetings with WCD staff and county and industry partners. WCD leadership highlighted the district's strong community relationships and wide scope of programs, particularly in urban areas. NACD staff had the opportunity to tour St. Vincent College's "Monastery Run" wetland improvement project and Westmoreland's "conservation campus," including WCD's headquarters–a 125-year-old, 7,600-square-foot barn that has been adapted with a variety of energy-conservation measures for reuse as offices and conservation education center. Pictured, from left to right: Westmoreland Conservation District Manager/CEO Greg Phillips, NACD CEO Jeff Eisenberg and Ron Rohall, Vice Chairman of the Westmoreland Conservation District Board of Directors.

September 2010 - The Kentucky Conservation District Employee Association (KACDE) held their 6th annual conference at the 4-H Leadership Center in Jabez, Ken. The conference commenced with the planting of a red oak tree, as part of the Olin Sims Living Legacy project. Participants attended training sessions providing ongoing professional development for conservation district employees. Susan Schultz, NACD Stewardship and Education project manager, provided sessions on community outreach, education activities and grant proposal planning. NCDEA President Connie Richmeier shared long-range planning and water festival ideas. Schultz and Richmeier were also awarded KACDE life memberships. Pictured, Kentucky conservation district employees at the Kentucky Leadership Center in Jabez.

September 2010 - On September 13, NACD and USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) signed an agreement to gain a more accurate understanding of agriculture's contribution to conservation in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Under the agreement, NRCS will provide NACD with $145,000 to gather data on the implementation of agriculture's conservation practices in the Chesapeake Bay region. NACD President Steve Robinson and NRCS Associate Chief Ginger Murphy signed the agreement behalf of their respective organizations. The data will ultimately be used to help ensure the Chesapeake Bay Model—the basis for federal policies to address Bay restoration needs—accurately represents agriculture's contributions in reducing nutrient loadings into the Bay.

September 2010 - Members of NACD's Forest Resource Policy Group and the National Association of State Foresters' Forest Resources Management Committee gathered in Madison, Wisconsin for a joint meeting. Foresters met August 31-September 2 at USDA's Forest Products Laboratory to discuss conservation projects, woody biomass, trends and outlooks for forest markets, and additional issues affecting forestry today. Attendees also had the opportunity to tour the Forest Products Laboratory, as well as the Leopold Center, a completely energy-efficient visitor and education center dedicated to the history and legacy of conservationist Aldo Leopold. Pictured above, Forest RPG members visiting the Aldo Leopold Shack in Baraboo, Wisconsin.

August 2010 - Southeast Region conservationists headed to Nashville, Tennessee August 8-10 to take part in the SE NACD Region meeting hosted by the Tennessee Association of Conservation Districts (TACD). Attendees not only experienced an information-packed agenda, but were also treated to a visit to the Ellington Agricultural Center. Once a 207-acre private estate and farm, the center now houses the state's Department of Agriculture, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, and serves as a branch location for various state and federal agencies. Commissioner of Agriculture Ken Givens opened the meeting, which offered various district showcases and breakout sessions. The Tennessee Conservation District Employees Association recently gathered at the Agricultural Center to plant a Tulip Poplar, the state tree of TN, as a living legacy to NACD Past President Olin Sims.

August 2010 - Congratulations to the California team, winner of the 2010 Canon Envirothon competition. Additional top ten winners were: Delaware (Second Place); Minnesota (Third Place); Florida (Fourth Place); Maryland (Fifth Place); Wisconsin (Sixth Place); Ontario (Seventh Place); Ohio & New York (8th Place Tie); New Jersey (Ninth Place); Massachusetts (Tenth Place). The Wisconsin team won the NACD Past Presidents Association Award for their high score in the oral presentation. The award honors Indiana Past President Gene Weaver. NACD Stewardship and Education project manager Susan Schultz served as a preliminary judge; Tim Reich, Vice President of the National Conservation Foundation, served as a final judge.

August 2010 - Last week, NACD Executive Board Member and Stewardship and Education Chairman Steve Miller spoke at the 24th North American Canon Envirothon. Envirothon, held at California State University in Fresno, is the largest high school environmental education competition. Student teams, many of which are sponsored by their local conservation district, tested their knowledge in a variety of environmental issues, including soils and land use, aquatic ecology and wildlife. Miller emphasized the importance of natural resources and strong leadership, encouraging students to become involved with their local districts. District and state association representatives also assisted with the competition.

July 2010 - Conservation leaders from across the country gathered in Washington, D.C. this week to discuss legislative initiatives and regulatory programs that affect our nation's land, air and water. NACD's 2010 Legislative Conference, which started July 19, features leading experts from several federal agencies, including U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. Vilsack spoke about the importance of strengthening the American agricultural economy, revitalizing rural communities, protecting and conserving natural resources and providing a safe, sufficient and nutritious food supply for the country. The conservation community faces a number of challenges, but also great opportunities for growth, the Secretary of Agriculture said.

July 2010 - Last week, the Medicine Bow Conservation District in Medicine Bow, Wyo. hosted a dedication service naming the District's newly-renovated office space after the District's former chair and 2007 NACD President Olin Sims. More than 150 local producers, state and national policy makers, conservation districts leaders, partners and community members gathered to see the new space, enjoy a meal together and remember a man who truly understood the need for locally-led conservation. NACD President Steve Robinson and Director of Communications Lisa Smith represented NACD at the event. U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) keynoted the event, citing Sims as proof that landowners are the best stewards of our land. Senator Barrasso is pictured at left with the Districts staff and supervisors.

July 2010 - Charles Holmes, NACD's board member from Alabama, recently participated on a panel showcasing efforts to restore longleaf pine forests. Holmes joined representatives from the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Department of Defense and the National Wild Turkey Federation in a joint presentation to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, where each group highlighted their organization's longleaf pine restoration efforts. The group then toured the Francis Marion National Forest and participated in an America's Great Outdoors listening session on the Longleaf Pine Restoration Initiative. Holmes is pictured at left with Secretary Vilsack.

July 2010 - In testimony before the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy and Research, NACD President Steve Robinson, a producer from Marysville, Ohio, expressed conservation districts' support for full funding for NRCS to deliver farm bill conservation programs and meet the growing demand and need for technical assistance in concert with conservation districts, technical service providers (TSPs) and other partners. Producers need quality technical assistance to maximize the effectiveness of the financial assistance they receive, Robinson said.

June 2010 - Last week NACD's Executive Board and several NACD staff members travelled to Marysville, Ohio where they toured Scotts Miracle Gro facilities and met with the Union County Soil and Water Conservation District. The Board learned first-hand about the challenges and opportunities facing districts. The group ended a full day of touring with a trip to NACD President Steve Robinson's farm where Robinson showcased the conservation practices he uses on his farm and hosted a group barbeque. Pictured at left are NACD President Elect Gene Schmidt, Secretary-Treasurer Jack Majeres, Immediate Past President John Redding, Second Vice President Earl Garber, Chief Executive Officer Jeff Eisenberg and President Steve Robinson.

June 2010 - Recently NACD staff members joined representatives from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, the Environmental Defense Fund and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation for a multi-farm conservation tour in Pennsylvania hosted by the Lancaster County Conservation District and the local Natural Resources Conservation Service. In the photo at left, Terra-Gro engineer Loren Martin explains Oregon Farms' composting program to NACD CEO Jeff Eisenberg and others while Oregon Farms operator George Hurst looks on. Oregon Dairy Organics and Graywood Farms partner to turn potential waste into 4,000 tons/year of valuable compost that can be purchased by gardeners, organic farmers and landscapers..

June 2010 - Last week NACD Immediate Past President John Redding represented NACD and conservation districts at a rural summit hosted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Hillsboro, Mo. Redding participated in a panel discussion moderated by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack (pictured at left with Redding). Redding stressed the importance of conservation practices and emphasizing conservation districts' role in helping rural economies thrive. The event, themed "The National Summit of Rural America: A Dialogue for Renewing Promise," provided an opportunity for rural Americans to share their vision and ideas for creating a more prosperous and more promising future for rural America. Click here to read NACD's news release on the summit.

June 2010 - The Washington Association of Conservation Districts recently hosted the 2010 Executive Directors’ Conference in Olympia, Wash. The conference provided state association executive directors dedicated time to network with their peers from across the country, discuss the issues each state uniquely faces and find common ground. The Thurston Conservation District hosted a local conservation tour, showcasing planned and installed practices on commercial agricultural and small acreages that have resulted in decreased pollution levels in the south Puget Sound and the creation of a community shellfish bed. In the photo, Indiana Executive Director Jennifer Boyle-Warner and other attendees view a cultch of Pacific oysters during the tour of the community shellfish bed.

May 2010 - Last week NACD’s partner, Project Learning Tree (PLT), held its International Coordinator’s Conference in Nevada. NACD Stewardship and Education Coordinator Susan Schultz met with American Forest Foundation/Project Learning Tree Senior Vice President Kathy McGlauflin and the USDA Forest Service Director of Conservation Education Safiya Samman to discuss collaboration on a 2011 Year of Forest project. This collaboration will provide additional outreach material to utilize with the NACD 2011 Stewardship Week’s forestry theme, for which planning is underway. Look for more information regarding upcoming 2011 Stewardship Week and forestry education resources starting in fall 2010.

May 2010 - The Oregon Association of Conservation Districts (OACD) and its member districts hosted NACD Western Issues and Forestry Specialist Yenie Tran for the OACD board of districts meeting and a tour of the state. Tran spent time learning about conservation projects and creative partnerships in several Oregon soil and water conservation districts including in Wasco, Clackamas, Yamhill, Lincoln, Marion and Sherman Counties. Tran learned firsthand about the vastness of Oregon wheat farming; innovative horticulture practices within orchards and vineyards; conservation challenges within coastal forests, fisheries and streams; and opportunities to connect rural and urban communities through educational partnerships. She is pictured at left with conservation district directors Terrie and Sterling Grant and their family on their farm in Eddyville, OR. Also pictured are OACD President Elect Jan Lee and Lincoln SWCD Watershed Technical Specialist Stacy Polkowske.

April 2010 - Earlier this week NACD President Steve Robinson and NRCS Chief Dave White made a visit to Emery Elementary School to celebrate Stewardship Week. Chief White spoke to a small group of seventh graders about the wide range of issues that NRCS encounters and gave each student a post card that is infused with flower seeds that will grow if the card is planted. Robinson spoke to the group about his conservation experience and distributed stewardship learning materials. The students then planted some of the post cards in the front of the school, where they hope to see flowers sprouting soon. Stewardship Week celebrations will continue to take place across the nation, April 25–May 2.

April 2010 - Last week, Maple Ridge Elementary kindergarten students in Madison County, Ind. kicked off celebration of 2010 Stewardship Week, themed "Conservation Habits = Healthy Habitats." They learned the importance of conservation habits and habitats from NACD Stewardship and Education Coordinator Susan Schultz and enjoyed Conservation Habits = Healthy Habitats education materials, a nature walk, playing habitat-related games and sharing stories about the importance of habitats. Stewardship activities will continue to take place in schools and communities across the nation this week, April 25–May 2, in celebration of 2010 Stewardship Week.

April 2010 - Delaware's conservation districts, the Delaware Association of Conservation Districts and the Delaware Division of Soil and Water Conservation recently teamed up to host several NACD staff members for a tour of the districts' various efforts within the state. The tour showcased erosion and sediment control, storm water management, nutrient management and other agricultural conservation efforts. In the photo at left, Kevin Donnelly, District Coordinator of the New Castle Conservation District explains a small community stream stabilization project involving the road and a subdivision drainageway to NACD CEO Jeff Eisenberg and other staff members.

April 2010 - Representatives from NACD, NRCS, NASCA, NARC&DC and NCDEA met last week in Maryland for the quarterly Conservation Partnership meeting. Leaders learned about partners collaborative efforts on Chesapeake Bay initiatives in Maryland and discussed ongoing partnership efforts including district officials training efforts, information technology for districts, the National Leadership Training Conference and more. Pictured at above celebrating NRCS’ 75th Anniversary are NCDEA President Connie Richmeier NARC&DC President Jim Sipperly, NRCS Chief Dave White, NASCA President Mark Clark and NACD President Steve Robinson.

March 2010 - NACD’s full national officer team was in Washington, D.C. last week, meeting with Congressional staff and agency leaders and tackling the NACD budget and other business items. In the photo at left, NACD President Steve Robinson and his team meet with USDA NRCS Chief Dave White. The leaders also met with staff from both the Senate and House Agriculture Committees, as well as many personal offices to discuss NACD’s concern about recent legislation that would pull $2.8 billion from the Environmental Quality Incentives Program to fund the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.

March 2010 - NACD Chief Executive Officer Jeff Eisenberg recently met with 60 representatives from the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts during their annual Washington Conference. Eisenberg emphasized NACD’s commitment to serving member districts, earning trust and being good stewards of the support given by districts and the individuals the Association represents. The group discussed regional and national concerns impacting Nebraska’s districts, as well as districts role in the state with groundwater regulation. Eisenberg is pictured at left with Mary Ann Wortmann, President of the Nebraska Association of Resource Districts.

March 10, 2010 - Last week NACD urged Congress to continue to invest in and improve the software and technology that enable conservation districts and their federal partners to help landowners plan and implement appropriate conservation practices and programs. Conservation district supervisor Jim Krosch from the Stevens Soil and Water Conservation District located in Morris, Minn., testified on behalf of NACD before the House Committee on Agriculture’s Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition and Forestry. In his remarks, Krosch stressed the importance of the technology link between conservation districts and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in effectively serving landowners. Krosch is pictured above with House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-MN)

February 2010 - Several members from across the nation have stopped by the NACD headquarters office in Washington, D.C. in recent weeks during their respective trips to the Nation’s capitol. Members are meeting with NACD’s new CEO and staff members to talk issues and highlight success stories from their home states. Pictured at left are NACD CEO Jeff Eisenberg with NACD Board Members Pete Waller and Dennis Brown from Georgia. Additional visitors included former NACD Executive Board Member Jim Lacy and current Executive Board Member Pat Henderson, both from Kentucky, as well as several representatives from the Texas Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. NACD is always eager to welcome its members to their D.C. office.

February 2010 - Several conservation leaders demonstrated their commitment to NACD and signed up as Lifetime members of NACD at the Association’s recent 2010 Annual Meeting. The members contributed $1,000 to join the highest ranks of individual membership under the Friends of NACD program. Pictured at left are John Redding, Andrew Wargo, Steve Sunderland, Jon Starns, Earl Garber, Terry Davis and Ralph Brokaw. Later in the conference Ernest Girouard, Kenneth Roehrich, Russell Setti and Dick Went also joined the ranks as Lifetime members. A Lifetime membership was also purchased in memory of 2007 NACD President Olin Sims.

February 2010 - NACD is pleased to welcome three new members to its team. Karl Anderson began this week as Director of Legislative Affairs, and will guide NACD’s policy team. Yenie Tran is on board as Western Issues Specialist and will support NACD’s Southwest and Pacific Regions. Danielle Dills joined the team this week and will assist with grassroots and policy efforts. Anderson, Tran and Dills will all be located at NACD’s headquarters office in Washington, D.C. Contact information for all staff members is available at http://nacdnet.org/contact.phtml.

January 29, 2010 - Attendees of NACD’s 64th Annual Meeting returned home last week, but they left a lasting legacy at one of Orlando’s local schools. NACD Executive Board members helped 40 ninth-grade students plant a butterfly garden on the campus of Dr. Phillips High School. Most of the participating students lived in urban areas and had never planted anything or worked in the soil before. The project gave students a chance to learn how to properly put plants in the soil, create habitat for butterflies and other pollinators and bring nature and conservation into their urban surroundings. For more photos of the project and of the conference, see the 2010 Annual Meeting photo slide show.

February 2, 2010 - Conservation heroes were recognized on Tuesday at NACD’s 2010 Annual Meeting Appreciation Banquet in Orlando, Fla. Award winners were recognized for passionate commitment to conservation and for inspiring programs and projects on the ground. In the photo at left, Jack Winstead receives the NACD/NRCS Olin Sims Conservation Leadership Award from NRCS Chief Dave White and NACD President Steve Robinson. Click here for a news release regarding NACD’s 2009 national award winners. The event capped off a successful Annual Meeting that renewed participants’ commitment to conservation.

February 2, 2010 - NRCS Chief Dave White spoke to attendees at NACD’s 64th Annual Meeting Tuesday morning. In his remarks, White likened districts to “superheroes” in the conservation world. He said no other partnership exists like the partnership between NRCS and NACD and thanked districts for their long-time collaboration with NRCS. He vowed that NRCS will be with districts, not just today but in the years ahead so we can work together to solve the nation’s natural resource needs.

February 1, 2010 - The 2010 NACD Annual Meeting officially kicked off with the Monday general session, titled “National Partnerships for Local Leaders.” Attendees were welcomed by Congressman Adam Putnam (R-FL) and heard a video message from USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsak. USDA Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Harris Sherman (left) spoke to the group about key issues and chances to further the partnerships between NACD and USDA agencies.

January 31, 2010 - More than 800 conservationists will gather in Orlando, Fla. this week to attend the Association's 64th NACD Annual Meeting, themed "Committed to Conservation." The NACD Board of Directors are meeting Saturday and Sunday as well as during the conference to set association policy and introduce NACD's new CEO, Jeff Eisenberg. The official conference will launch Sunday, January 31. In the photo at left, NACD Immediate Past President John Redding takes his turn as "Captain Conservation."

January 2010 - Earlier this month NACD participated as an exhibitor at the 2010 Ag Connect Expo in Orlando, Fla., made contact with local landowners, and established connections with manufacturers in the agricultural industry. The show—a product of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM)—highlighted agricultural equipment, manufacturers and supporting organizations. Ag Connect also provided the more than 7000 participants educational opportunities as well, unveiling new products and technologies from around the globe and discussing the latest in industry news. Highlights from this year’s event can be found at http://www.agconnect.com.

January 2010 - The Louisiana Association of Conservation Districts held its annual meeting last week in Baton Rouge, La. NACD Second Vice President Earl Garber presented an Association update at the meeting, discussing policy updates, NACD member services and the upcoming 2010 NACD Annual Meeting. Conference attendees learned about Louisiana coastal protection and restoration efforts, rural economic development initiatives, Louisiana ground water issues, the Conservation Stewardship Program and watershed planning at both local and state levels.

January 2010 - The North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (NCASWCD) held its annual meeting last week at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, NC. The meeting featured a presentation by Milton Heath Lecture Series speaker Dr. Stan Riggs, a professor of geology at East Carolina University. In his presentation, Dr. Riggs discussed climate change and the potential impacts on North Carolina’s coastal plains. NACD Interim CEO Brad Ross addressed the NCASWCD membership and met with incoming President James Ferguson and Past President William Pickett (shown in the photo to the right).