December 2011 - The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, one of the newest locations on the Vegas strip, offers a world-class setting for NACD's 2012 Annual Meeting. The Cosmopolitan's vertically-integrated meeting facilities provide both a beautiful and convenient setting for the meeting. The two guest towers are situated directly above the three floors of convention space and meeting rooms, with strategically-placed elevators and escalators allowing for quick and convenient transition from meeting time to leisure time. The residential-style living spaces and one-of-a-kind private terraces are unlike any other Las Vegas resort. In addition to luxurious living and meeting accommodations, the property hosts an expansive dining collection featuring world-renowned chefs and globally inspired restaurants, as well as one of the most eclectic collections of shops ever assembled on Las Vegas Boulevard. We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas! For more information, click here .

December 2011 - First Vice President Earl Garber represented NACD at the 2011 Utah Association of Conseravtion Districts Convention, November 2-3 at the Dixie Center in St. George, Utah. Garber gave a presentation highlighting NACD's locally-led conservation efforts. Presentations included Lt. Governor Greg Bell on the Governor's Taskforce on Agriculture Sustainability Report, panels on conservation district leadership successes, Utah Senator Mike Lee on activity in Washington, D,C. The event also featured an afternoon tour of conservation projects in the St. George, Utah area. Pictured, from left to right: Commissioner Leonard Blackham, Utah Dept. of Agriculture & Food; Wendell Stembridge, UACD president and NACD board member; Bob Barry, UACD Vice President and NACD alternate board member; Earl Garber, NACD First Vice President; and Gordon Yonkers, Exec. VP UACD.

November 2011 - NACD President Gene Schmidt, Past President Steve Robinson and Communications Director Bethany Shively participated in "Trade Talk," Nov. 10, at the National Association of Farm Broadcasters (NAFB) Annual Convention in Kansas City, Mo. During the widely attended trade show, NACD representatives networked with organizations and reporters from across the country and handed out information about NACD, conservation policy and the work of districts on the ground. Schmidt and Robinson conducted more than 20 interviews with Ag broadcasters, highlighting the importance of locally-led conservation. Trade Talk, the centerpiece event of the NAFB's Annual Convention, affords NAFB-member broadcasters the opportunity to conduct interviews with ag-minded organizations and companies from across the country. Roughly 100 broadcasters attended the event.

October 2011 -Stewardship and Education Coordinator Susan Schultz and North Central Region Representative Beth Mason represented NACD at the National FFA Agricultural Career Show in Indianapolis last month. Schultz and Mason promoted the locally-led work of conservation districts, the NACD internship program, and NACD's Stewardship and Education materials. Visitors to the NACD both included Brent Van Dyke of New Mexico, who served as an NACD board member and parliamentarian. Van Dyke has been involved in Ag education for over 30 years and organized the national FFA quiz contest. FFA members from Georgia also stopped by. Visitors from all over the US and territories expressed interest in connecting with their local district or sharing those activities they participate in with their conservation district. To learn more, visit www.ffa.org.

October 2011 - This month, NACD CEO John Larson had the pleasure of speaking at the Harford Soil Conservation Districts' Annual Conservation Award Banquet. This banquet commemorates 67 years of soil conservation efforts in Harford County, Maryland. During the banquet, C. David Davis was honored with the Conservation of the Year award. The 2010 Harford County Envirothon was also recognized for their outstanding work and dedication last year. The banquet attendees consisted of district employees, NRCS staff, district supporters and county and state elected officials. Harford Soil Conservation Districts Board Chairman, Lee McDaniel and Vice Chairman Mike Birch emceed the widely attended event. Thank you to Lee McDaniel for the invitation! Everyone had a great time!

October 2011 - More than 100 district officials, employees and partners met in Taos, NM for the NACD Southwest and Pacific Regions' joint meeting. Hosted by the New Mexico Association of Conservation Districts in cooperation with the Taos SWCD and others, the event offered an excellent program and numerous networking opportunities. NACD President Gene Schmidt (pictured) delivered the opening keynote address. The meeting included sessions on New Mexico's acequias, rangeland and forest restorations, urban conservation programs, sage grouse project, wolf issues, wild horse update and much more. New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture Jeff Witte spoke about the importance of agriculture and conservation at the Closing Session. Participants also had the opportunity to learn firsthand about local conservation and history through several tours. Many thanks to New Mexico's leaders for their work and hospitality in hosting this year's event!

September 2011 - The first Blue Planet global education conference was held this month in Montana. Attendees from over 60 countries enjoyed keynote presentations from NASA Mission specialist Ricky Arnold, who flew on the space shuttle Discovery and actress Connie Nielsen, who has organized a human needs project in Kenya. Participants also had a choice of over 50 concurrent sessions and additional general sessions. During the event, Project WET unveiled their new education guide: Project WET 2.0. The guide should be available in the next few weeks at www.projectwet.org. The conference, themed "One World, One Water," featured an educational sculpture created to illustrate how water connects all living things, flowing from one water user to another and back again through the water cycle. After its exhibit in Montana, the sculpture will be on display in Colorado.

September 2011 - Last week, NACD CEO John Larson participated in the 65th Annual Conference of Iowa's Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners in Des Moines, IA. The theme of the conference was, "Conservation and Investment in the Future," stressing the importance of using every means available to promote conservation. Larson gave an update on NACD activities and fielded questions from participants. The conference also included sessions led by Washington State district commissioner Ray Ledgerwood, as well as updates from Agriculture Secretary Bill Northey and representatives from DSC, IDNR, NRCS, U.S. EPA, and Iowa State University.

September 2011 - Last week, Kansas farmer and conservationist Ronald Brown testified at a field hearing held by the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee in Wichita, Kan. The hearing focused on issues surrounding the 2012 Farm Bill. A lifelong resident of Fort Scott, Brown serves as president of the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts (KACD) and on NACD's Board of Directors. Brown urged Congress to, at a minimum, maintain the mandatory conservation funding levels as agreed in the 2008 Farm Bill. He also called for full funding of technical assistance to help farmers, ranchers and landowners continue their critical role in protecting our nation's air, water and soil. With Kansas currently facing severe drought conditions, Brown underscored the importance of effective farming and soil conservation practices – not only to the state's economy but also to its' citizens quality of life.

August 2011 - The Alabama Association of Conservation Districts, the Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee, NRCS, and other conservation partners welcomed 250 conservation leaders to "Conservation in Paradise," NACD's Southeast Region Meeting in Orange Beach, Ala. July 31-August 2. The meeting began with a Southeast Region board meeting, the highlight of which was the Partnership Roundtable discussion. The discussion included the Southeast Region NACD Board and Alternate Board Members, NASCA representatives and NRCS State Conservationist. The group discussed the challenges and opportunities facing conservation funding and conservation districts in the region.

August 2011 - Fifty-four teams from 45 U.S. states, eight Canadian provinces and one Canadian territory competed in the 2011 North American Envirothon competition, held at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. Over $125,000 in scholarships and Canon products were awarded to the top 15 teams. The teams tested their knowledge in aquatics, forestry, soil and land use, and wildlife along with the current issue for 2011: salt and freshwater estuaries. Additional team scores can be found at www.envirothon.org.

July 2011 - Be sure to follow your state Envirothon team this week, as they compete at the North American Envirothon competition in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. The Canon Envirothon, July 24-29, is North America's largest environmental education competition, taking place this year on the campus of Mount Allison University. Envirothon is the largest high school environmental education competition. Student teams, many of which are sponsored by their local conservation district, test their knowledge in a variety of environmental issues, including soils and land use, aquatic ecology and wildlife. For daily updates and photos of the competition, visit www.envirothon.org.

July 2011 - Conservation leaders from across the country gathered in Washington, D.C. this week to discuss legislative initiatives and regulatory programs that affect our nation's land, air and water. NACD's 2011 Legislative Conference, which started July 18, features leading experts from several federal agencies, including USDA Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment Harris Sherman. Sherman spoke about the importance of educating lawmakers and stakeholders on conservation issues. "Nothing can be more important for you than to communicate your passion and the importance of what you're doing to those who are up on the Hill and who are going to have a big stake in the outcome of these conservation programs," Sherman said. "If we can do that, your efforts and our efforts will truly make a difference."

June 2011 - Last week, agriculturalists and conservationists paid tribute to bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles during National Pollinator Week. While organizations nationwide celebrated by planting pollinator-friendly plants and spending time outdoors learning about them, the Pollinator Partnership spent the week in Washington, D.C. educating the public, advocating for increased awareness and protection of threatened pollinators and holding briefings to discuss and celebrate the importance of pollinators. Thursday, the Congressional Pollinator Protection Caucus (CP2C), a group formed by the House to provide legislators with accurate information pertaining to a wide variety of land issues, held a Pollinator Health and Policies Briefing to bring together agency officials to discuss the future of pollinator awareness.

June 2011 - Educators from across the nation are meeting for the National "AG in the Classroom" conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from June 22-25. Susan Schultz, NACD stewardship, education and marketplace project manager, is attending the event, exhibiting NACD's education materials. The conference features engaging, interactive workshops that show educators how to incorporate real-life agricultural applications into their language arts, math, nutrition, science and social studies lessons. Tours of a tropical fruit packing house, tropical plant nurseries, and other stops will show everyone unique agricultural operations in South Florida. Debbie Ruff, of Livingston County SWCD in Ill., will be featuring several of the NACD education materials and activities in a special workshop. Visit the AG in the Classroom site for great resources and to locate your state contact. Ag in the Classroom and NACD's education materials are great tools for educators.

June 2011 - Last week, Project Learning Tree (PLT) held their 25th PLT Conference in Montgomery, Texas. PLT is an educational partner with NACD, whose materials are used by conservation districts across the nation. Susan Schultz, NACD's Stewardship, Education and Marketplace Project attended the event, promoting the 2011 "Forests for People" education materials. More than 100 participants attended sessions on the PLT Green Schools program, wind energy, getting elected officials to understand environmental education, ecosystem markets, and more. The conference also included a field trip to Spring Creek Greenway, a cooperative project near Houston. To learn more about PLT visit www.plt.org. To find your PLT state coordinator, click here.

June 2011 - The Kay County (Oklahoma) Conservation District recently hosted a Grand Opening at its new outdoor classroom, the Kay Co Eco Trail. The project was funded through an Okla. Dept of Tourism's Recreational Trails Grant and a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Grant plus local donations. Lt. Governor Todd Lamb and U.S. Representative Frank Lucas attended the event. Selected schools were invited to a natural resource day, with rotations through learning stations including Oklahoma Fish and Wildlife, Okla. Conservation Commission's Blue Thumb Water Quality Program, NRCS Soil Scientist Troy Collier, OSU Stream Trailer, and the World's Second Place Dutch Oven Cooking Team: Curtis and Gaye Ann Grace.

May 2011 - Last week, the Maryland Association of Soil Conservation Districts hosted the State Association Executive Directors Conference in Solomons, Maryland, bringing together executive directors from across the country. Much of the program centered on conservation efforts in the Chesapeake Bay as a model for other areas across the country – highlighting the efforts of the various partnerships and the advancements made in tracking, reporting, and technological capabilities. Conservation tours highlighted some of the projects and partnerships of local districts, as well as the changing landscape and land use of the area. Portions of the conference were sponsored by Syngenta and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company.

May 2011 - Last month, NACD Leadership Development Specialist Beth Mason spent a day with the Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District at the Earth Day festivities in downtown Indianapolis, Ind. Mason, left, is pictured Glenn Lange, Natural Resource Conservationist of the Marion County SWCD. The district uses this time to connect with the local landowners, sharing information on backyard conservation practices, rain gardens and wildlife habitat. Events like Earth Day are great ways to increase awareness of conservation districts as a resource for information in the community. Marion County SWCD also promoted their rain barrel sale and their spring tree and shrub sale, offering a service to the community while raising funds for the district.

April 2011 - NACD Second Vice President Jack Majeres celebrated the 56th NACD Stewardship Week with a presentation to third graders at St. Mary in Dell Rapids, South Dakota. Majeres, from South Dakota himself, discussed the importance of Stewardship Week and Arbor Day. He also highlighted the history of state and its climate, explaining the importance of planting native trees and plants. Students were excited to learn about the importance of trees during the Forestry Bingo, available on the NACD Forestry Education Page. NACD has been celebrating Stewardship Week since 1955. If you would like to share your conservation education and/or stewardship success stories, please fill out the NACD Stewardship Outreach Survey.

April 2011 - Susan Schultz, NACD Project Manager for Stewardship, Education and Marketplace, presented a Forestry Stewardship Week program to first grade students at Maple Ridge Elementary in Pendleton, IN. Schultz read "Forests for People: More than You Can Imagine," an NACD Big Book about seasons and the importance of forests and trees in daily life. Students played Forestry Bingo, learning additional facts about tress and forests and the products they use each day, such as paper, carpet and plastic products. Participants also visited stations, where teachers shared lessons on natural resources. The students received a grant, and will be working with parents and teachers to plant trees and plants at a local park. NACD Stewardship Week is April 24th–May 1st, and is celebrated and promoted by conservation districts around the nation.

April 2011 - Grassroots Coordinator Danielle Dills and Intern Jennifer Frey represented NACD at a reception honoring America's Forests, held by the American Forest Foundation, National Association of State Foresters and the USDA Forest Service. The event kicked off the U.S. 2011 Year of Forests, part of the International Year of the Forest celebration. NACD and other forestry and conservation organizations participated in the event, along with U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Collin Peterson (D-MN) and Rolling Stones keyboardist Chuck Leavell. NACD exhibited forestry education materials and provided information about forestry conservation. If you are interested in NACD's forestry education materials, click here.

April 2011 - NACD President Gene Schmidt, along with other National Conservation Partnership (NCP) leaders met in Washington, D.C. last week. NACD President Gene Schmidt recently attended the Ohio River Basin Alliance conference, held March 14-16 in Indianapolis, IN. Schmidt participated in a panel discussion: "Agriculture Issues within the Ohio River Basin." The conference brought government agencies and non-profit organizations together to foster an understanding of the different components to water issues within the basin, and to come together in a partnership through the newly-formed Ohio River Basin Alliance. Pictured: President Schmidt; Bob Baird, president of the West Virginia Association of Conservation Districts; Joe Gumm, past president of the West Virginia Association of Conservation Districts.

March 2011 - The Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD) recently held its annual Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, focusing on budget cuts, conservation programs, agriculture issues, and building and rehabilitating flood control structures. Attendees were briefed by representatives from several agencies, including the USDA National Agroforestry Center, NRCS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as well as NACD staff and stakeholder groups. NARD members also participated in Hill meetings with members of the Nebraska delegation, including Senators Nelson and Johanns and Reps. Fortenberry, Smith and Terry. Pictured from left to right are: NARD Executive Director Dean Edson; NACD Director of Legislative Affairs Karl Anderson; NARD President Mary Ann Wortmann; and NACD Senior Advisor Rich Duesterhaus.

March 2011 - NACD President Gene Schmidt, along with other National Conservation Partnership (NCP) leaders met in Washington, D.C. last week. Topics highlighted were (1) actions to strengthen state conservation partnerships, (2) a review of the current budget environment at the federal, state, and local levels, and (3) identifying common conservation messages that partners could use in outreach work. Reports or updates were also made on the following items:, NACD Farm Bill Principles, NACD CEO search and path forward, Progress of the Chesapeake Bay project, and much more.

March 2011 - Cheatham County Soil Conservation District in Tennessee presented over 385 natural resource books to Ashland City, Kingston Springs and Pegram Elementary schools. These three schools were damaged by the May 2010 flood. Participants at the 2011 NACD Annual Meeting, the North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts Area 5 Education Committee and other generous donors helped make this the largest donation in the four years of the project. The next "Pack a Book" collection will take place during the 2012 NACD Annual Meeting in Las Vegas.

February 2011 - Order your "Forests for People – More Than You Can Imagine" education materials from the NACD Marketplace. The discount has been extended to March 25. Use the code 2011fp325 and receive a 10 percent discount! Materials include: student booklets, bookmark, activity sheet/placemat, "Plant A Tree" poster booklet, educators' guide, and "Forests for People" poster. Visit the NACD forestry education page for additional education resources, clip art and more. NACD Stewardship week will be celebrated April 24 to May 1. Visit the NACD stewardship page for education resources, promotional materials and more.

January 31, 2011 - Natural-science song and dance man Billy B. joined NACD in Nashville as the featured entertainer during the Leadership Lunch on Monday, Jan. 31. Billy B.'s unique brand of humorous, hands-on conservation education has been featured in thousands of schools and hundreds of theaters, as well as TV and radio across the country. His always-entertaining shows burst with songs and dances about soil, water, forests, biodiversity, energy, geology and other natural wonders. Billy B. has performed for more than 2 million children in 45 states and Canada. He has also entertained family audiences at the White House, Ford's Theater, National Theater, the Kennedy Center, museums, aquariums and other venues, including 200,000 people during the 20th National Earth Day Celebration on the Mall in Washington, D.C. He has written and/or starred in a number of educational videos and has been featured on Entertainment Tonight and National Public Radio.

January 30, 2011 - Members of the Rise and Shine Quartet performed at Sunday's Inspirational Program, part of NACD's 2011 Annual Meeting at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN. The program also included reflections on stewardship from NACD Stewardship and Education Coordinator Susan Schultz and remarks from Luci DiPolvere, NACD Auxiliary President. Winners of the Poster Contest were also announced during the program. Cael Steinmetz from WI (Oneida County Land and Water Conservation Committee) won the K-1 Category, Willow Hill of GA (Hall County Soil and Water Conservation District) won the Grades 2-3 Category, Hope Friedrich from FL (Lake Soil and Water Conservation District) won the Grades 4-6 Category, Marcie Howerton of Oklahoma (Blaine County Conservation District) won the Grades 7-9 Category, and Olivia Xu of Delaware (New Castle Conservation District) won the Grades 10-12 Category.

January 28, 2011 - NACD kicked off its 2011 Annual Meeting with a service project "from the roots up." Conservation districts, industry experts and the Tennessee School for the Blind teamed up to promote locally-led conservation through hands-on education. On Thursday, Jan. 27, NACD representatives, Tennessee conservation districts and their state association, National Conservation Districts Employee Association and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company presented products and donations for a greenhouse project at the Tennessee School for the Blind. The project taught students about raising produce, in addition to providing them with valuable career skills for the future. As part of the partnership, the school will provide Braille text of NACD's conservation education publications for use in their school and other schools for the blind across the country.

January 2011 - NACD partnered with the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) for the second annual AG CONNECT Expo, held January 8-10 in Atlanta, Ga. Past President John Redding of Monroe, Ga. represented NACD at the event. The world-class agricultural trade show highlighted the latest innovations, products, services and technology in all agriculture sectors and offered access to leading worldwide industry experts. NACD and AEM have partnered on various projects for more than four decades. The partnership helps recognize conservation districts for the conservation benefits they achieve through effective and innovative use of equipment. For more information, click here. Pictured at the event: NACD staff Beth Mason (left) and Phylis Vendevere (right); Board Member Pat Henderson of Irvington, Ky. (center).