Last week NACD President, Lee McDaniel kicked off his term with a trip to State College, Pennsylvania to participate in the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts' (PACD) Winter Meeting. PACD Executive Director, Robert Maiden presented NACD with a framed award of excellence for our work on the 2014 Farm Bill out of appreciation by the state's 66 conservation districts.
Pictured Left: (left to right) State Conservation Commission Member Ronald Rohall, National Association of Conservation Districts President Lee McDaniel, Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts President Jack Tressler, Penn State College of Agriculture Dean Richard Roush, PA Secretary of Environmental Protection John Quigley, Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts Executive Director Robert Maiden, PA Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding, PA Department of Environmental Protection Deputy Secretary for Water Management Kelly Heffner and State Conservation Commission Executive Secretary Karl Brown.
NACD's newly elected Second Vice President Dick Went was also in the field. Went visited Oklahoma and took part in the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts (OACD) state meeting.
Pictured right: NACD Second Vice President Dick Went at the OACD state meeting.